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Leo hates baths. I’m not kidding. Leo, the (supposed) water dog, hates baths, pools, and the ocean. However, he loves standing in the torrential downpour of Florida rain. I guess it helps him think about where he wants to pee next. Anyways, getting Leo into the bathtub isn’t too difficult. keeping him in the bath is the real problem, which makes it a two-person job—especially as he grows stronger and heavier. The weirdest part is that he will fight to get into the shower when one of us is in it. would he try to jump out if I let him in? I’m not sure, but I’m not ready to find that one out.

We try not to give Leo baths too typically because I’ve read that too lots of baths strip the coat of natural oils and messes with the skin’s pH balance. He also doesn’t get dirty too often. Usually, if he gets some dirt on him or something else, I’ll spot clean with a baby wipe.

When it pertains to an actual bath, the Leo battle consists of nearly successful attempts at getting away and powerful body shakes, both of which end up with us and the surrounding area soaked. I’m still not sure if I must get a poncho for bath time or just wear my bathing suit. When he is sitting still, Leo will then stare up at us with the most betrayed look on his face, a lot more so than if I fake throw the ball or when he’s sitting on the cold tabletop at the vet’s office!

As soon as bath time is over and I’m done towel drying him, Leo shifts into overdrive and crazily rubs himself on the carpet. It’s then that I know I’m forgiven and am back to having a delighted pup on my hands.

pet dog BehaviorDogs