I like interactive toys, as well as so do Allegra as well as Ruby. We have a wardrobe full of them. They do come out of the wardrobe frequently, the only reason they’re in there is since I don’t want the women to play with these toys without supervision. According to the girls, a kitty can never have as well many toys, so they were excited when we were contacted by the makers of the Neko Flies toys to see whether the women wished to evaluation a couple of their products.
Nekochan Enterprises, Inc., a business specializing in the development, manufacturing, as well as distribution of unique, high high quality pet products, was started by Ellen Tsuyuki, a several feline owner, since she was dissatisfied with toys offered in the feline toy marketplace. Ellen decided to produce a toy that would determine as much as her as well as her cats’ specific needs. Ellen named the business after her mother’s Abyssynian feline Nekochan (“neko” means feline in Japanese, “chan” is a term of endearment).
I might barely get the toy out of the box as well as assembled (there isn’t much assembly required, you just hook the string with the connected toy to the wand) before Ruby started pouncing on the the toy. The Neko Flies toys function extremely realistic looking creatures – to the point where they really creep me out a little, I’m not a fan of any type of insects. The things we will tolerate for our cats….
We tested the kittycada as well as the katarantula toys, as well as they were both equal hits. I was truly excited that the women played together with this toy! This is the very first time they’ve done this with a single wand toy. Usually, I have to have a toy in each hand, as well as they’ll both play with their own toy. As you can see in the video below, they shared this one. as well as yes, that is a low growl that you’re hearing from Ruby – she did it every time she caught the cicada toy!
These are well-made toys that should stand up well to energetic play, as well as if Allegra as well as Ruby’s preliminary enjoy the toy are any type of indication, they will provide endless hours of fun at our house.
You can win a Neko Flies rod as well as attachment for your cats in the Neko Flies Sweepstakes! as well as as an special offer for mindful feline visitors only, Neko Flies provided a special contest code for one additional entry into the sweepstakes! go into code NEKCON1 when prompted. The contest ends July 31. great luck!
To go into the contest, go to the Neko Flies Sweepstakes Facebook page.
For more info about Nekochan Enterprises, Inc., please go to their website. When you do, make sure you take a minute to watch the wonderful video on their house page!
Allegra as well as Ruby playing with the Neko Flies kittycada:
Thank you for nominating us for two Petties.
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Ingrid King
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7 comments on product evaluation as well as sweepstakes: Neko Flies feline Toys
Julia Williams says:
July 23, 2011 at 6:16 pm
Thanks for telling me about the contest. I have heard about those toys as well as I am sure my kitties would like them. P.S. If you have time this weekend, please come by to checked out my story about Willow the wheelchair kitty. I believe you will like it!
Caren Gittleman says:
July 23, 2011 at 2:21 pm
Hi Ingrid!
We don’t want to be went into (because we have 2 accessories from when we reviewed the Neko flies a few months back as well as we want to provide others a possibility to win) however I wished to stop by as well as confirm just exactly how wonderful as well as superbly made these toys are.
The fuzzy mouse attachment that Cody has (he likewise has the Kragonfly) is his absolute preferred TOY! So much to ensure that he understands what drawer I keep them in (I likewise have to hide them lol) He will frequently walk into the bedroom as well as stand on his hind legs by the drawer they are in as well as begin meowing for them.
In my viewpoint they are the very best as well as the very best made dangly toys on the market!
Glad to see Allegra as well as Ruby having so much fun with them!
Ingrid says:
July 23, 2011 at 5:14 pm
They are fantastic toys, Caren. That’s so adorable that Cody understands precisely where you keep his!
Katnip Lounge says:
July 23, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Those do look like fun… is that jealous growling?
Ingrid says:
July 23, 2011 at 1:30 pm
I believe it’s just possessive growling. She does it even when Allegra isn’t in the room, as well as she only does inull
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