By Malissa Diener
October 30, 2017
I confess…I am a stripper. I know, shocking as it may seem, I like to hand strip, roll coats, pluck as well as twist. Whew, feels great to confess that I utilize a stripping knife as well as stripping tools a great deal in my grooming, as well as sometimes even on non-terrier breeds!

I know, it’s so scandalous. however yes, I am that type of groomer girl, the kind that strips on the side to make additional money.

I am going to try as well as persuade you why you should be a stripper, too. I know, you handled to stay away from it this long. So why should you? people will talk, however you will make more money, you will gain a larger as well as different clientele, as well as it will absolutely make you a more in demand groomer/stylist. Remember, not everybody strips so you may be looked at in a different way by your fellow groomers/stylists. They may talk about you behind your back as well as be a bit unfavorable about the new “reputation” you have gained. however when you strip, you can’t ever go back. It becomes your go–to trick weapon on a range of grooms.

Some people are natural pickers. You understand who you are, as I am among you. You’re the person who picks at their scab. You’re the pimple popper; the one buddy that says, “Oh let me get that black head for you”. You can get such a spirit cleansing satisfaction from tweezing, plucking as well as messing with yourself or others. This likewise transfers into our grooming. I am a plucker, a picker, a popper as well as a stripper. There it is, as well as I get a overall euphoria from it.

So, what is hand stripping? most pet groomers don’t offer it or utilize most of the tools to do it. I personally believe it is a lost grooming art like scissoring. however right here is the official meaning on hand stripping a dog’s coat via Google:

Hand–stripping is the process of plucking the outer guard hairs when the coat is “blown”—the top coat is pulled out utilizing fingers or a stripping knife.

Don’t panic—it seems worse than it is! The knife is not utilized to cut however only to pull the hair out, held between the thumb as well as forefinger. Technically Google is correct in the above definition. Remember, I stated technically. now let’s get untechnical as well as let’s get real. most groomers state they don’t strip because:

It is a method reserved for show dogs only.
It is unpleasant to the dog as well as triggers them distress.
It is only for cable haired coated breeds/Terriers.
No pet owner wants their dog stripped, they don’t even understand what it is.

I am going to debunk these four myths:

1. show dogs are not the only dogs that get hand stripped. There are lots of pet owners that want their dogs to look like the breed basic (or as close as we can come to it) as well as they want the coat to retain its natural texture, color as well as general look. I have hand–stripped pure bred dogs as well as mixed breeds—didn’t matter to me. What did matter was that I was able to preserve the integrity of the coat as well as provide the client what they desired in an general style for their pet.

I talk to my clients about what I phone call a Pet Strip. We discuss what they can preserve at house as well as what they want their pet to look like as well as exactly how frequently they want to have the pet groomed. Yes, I fee more for the service, however it is all rolled into my overall grooming cost for that specific dog as well as the services it needs.

2. pain is NOT included in stripping the coat. If you hand strip at the right time, the coat will release from the roots easily. If you are triggering pain or discomfort while doing it, you are doing it wrong. simple as that. Skin must be pulled taut, coat should be filthy (if doing a full, true strip) as well as you can utilize things like ear powder to assist get a great grip. There are about a million different YouTube videos on exactly how to do a hand strip, so I won’t go into directions here. however I have taught the seminar to pet groomers as well as they are always so amazed at exactly how quickly the coat releases when they get the method down. If you are a picker, then you have discovered heaven on a grooming table when you discover to strip.

3. Stripping is not just reserved for Terrier breeds or cable coated breeds. However, they do get this method utilized more than the other breed groups. Some other breeds are Spaniels, Setters, Hounds as well as more. I have utilized my stripping tools on Collies, Samoyeds, Aussies, (yes, double coated breeds) Pugs, as well as every type of mix that I feel the tools will enhance the high quality as well as general look of the coat. Remember, you are utilizing tools. A hammer is just not for getting nails with a board. Be innovative as well as ended up being a believing groomer. Don’t always just reach for the clipper.

4. most pet owners don’t understand what stripping is. Thenull