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I’m sure lots of of your have been following the Puppy In training blog for quite a while now so it’s no secret that the Orange county Pet Expo is one of our favorite events of the year.  In fact we probably never would have started this blog if it wasn’t for the OC Pet Expo.
A few years ago, before we made a decision to adopt a puppy, volunteer with a local pet dog rescue, foster puppies, or raise guide pet dog puppies we checked out America’s family Pet Expo in Costa Mesa, CA.  It was at the expo that we first began thinking about how we could spend our complimentary time volunteering to help puppies and dogs.  We checked out lots of of the animal rescue booths, guide and service pet dog booths, and enjoyed lots of of the different demonstrations from elite pet dog trainers on how to train a puppy and puppy training tips, shutzund training, police k9 search and rescue, and even basic pet dog obedience training.
Fast forward to today…
We’ve helped rescue and foster several litters of puppies and dogs.
We’ve been raising guide pet dog puppies for the past 5 years.
We started our Puppy In training blog to help others with puppy training ideas from our experiences as guide pet dog Puppy Raisers.
We even started our own little YouTube series called Puppy In training TV!

This weeks episode of Puppy In training TV is all about this years Orange county Pet Expo.
Episode 12 – Orange county Pet Expo
If you’re interested in sponsoring an episode of Puppy In training TV check out our sponsorship page.

Orange county Pet Expo Transcription logo and web site Address
Dublin and I took a trip to one of our favorite events…the Orange county Pet Expo! My name is Colby and I’m raising Dublin! a guide pet dog puppy In Training, welcome to episode 12 of Puppy In training TV!
Guide pet dog Puppy training Starring DUBLIN With Linus Aussie Shepherd Rescue also Colby The Human and Stetson occupation changed guide Dog
Every year the America’s family Pet Expo pertains to the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, California. It’s one of our favorite events and this year Dublin and I worked part of the day at the guide Dogs of America booth.
We got to the Pet Expo a little bit early before our shift so I let Dublin check out some of the animals at the show. We saw horses, we saw sheep and chickens and other animals inside the petting zoo, there were also donkeys at the oc pet expo, here’s dublin getting a little bit closer to that donkey, Dublin even kicked back in a down position and got nearly nose to nose with a Llama!

There are tons of exhibits and demonstrations at the orange county pet expo. of course our favorites are the pet dog exhibits…However there are also exhibits for birds, fish, reptiles, and other small animals. my mommy goes back annually to check out the cats, and of course there’s just about everything a pet lover can ask for at the OC pet expo.
After getting a short preview of the pet expo we followed this pug and group of horses over to the guide Dogs of America booth. We hung out for a couple hours with some of the other GDA pups and puppy raisers and spoke to people about the guide pet dog puppy raising program.
The OC Pet Expo gave us a terrific opportunity to walk Dublin through crowds. We’ve done the same kind of walks through shopping malls, but we have never walked through this lots of people or had so lots of distractions. Dublin did terrific walking through crowds and wasn’t terrified of the people or other animals…maybe a little to gung ho as he was pulling a bit on his lead.

One of our favorite events to enjoy is splash dogs…WOH! lets enjoy that again…some of those dogs can really fly and this pet dog gets some severe air.. Dublin do you think you could do that?
It’s been a while, but we used to foster dogs for a local rescue so I like stopping by to at least say hey there at the pet expo. If you’re trying to find a pet dog or puppy please check out your local animal rescue or shelter or another terrific place to check out is
It was a long day so we grabbed some food and got ready to head out.
We tried to get as much done as possible while we were at the expo, but there’s so much to do at the OC Pet Expo we felt like we could have used a 3 day pass. In 5 seconds here’s a list of other things we did or wanted to do that we didn’t capture with our video camera…
K9s for Disabled kids police and search pet dog Demo’s Does Your pet dog need A job help Dogs the how and Why Shutzhund Mondio ring pet dog sport The Art ofnull