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My family has had a loss this week: my sister Lois went over Rainbow Bridge.  Rainbow Bridge is a place between here and there, where the animals go to wait for their human companions to meet them and go on the rest of the way to heaven together.

Lois was much older than me.  My pawrents adopted her from rescue twelve years ago, so she could have easily been fifteen years old or more. This is Lois that first Halloween, wearing a pink ballet tutu that mommy made for her costume.  She was always very athletic and loved to run and jump.

Lois had been rescued from the animal shelter where she had been picked up as a stray, and a rescuer concerned get her out before she met a awful fate.  My pawrents were searching for a Pomeranian and they don’t remember quite how the connection was made, but they adopted Lois. because of that good lady that rescued her, and because my pawrents were there to adopt her, Lois was able to live the next twelve years in the embrace of love with a family.   This is a picture of Lois just before she passed:

She grew older and her face grew much more white, and she slowed down just a little but always chased the birds in the yard and barked at the garbage trucks every Monday.  Old age and old bones caught up with her and we had to let her go, but we are very sure that there was a huge welcoming committee waiting for her at Rainbow Bridge.

We will miss her tossing her toys around just before mealtime, and hearing her snore under the big bed where she loved to sleep.  Her long life is really a tribute to the people who do the work of rescue everywhere, saving animals from being disposable too soon.  We are taking a look at the bigger picture that she was an example of, and encourage people to adopt their animals from rescue.  because of dogs like Lois, I am so fortunate to be the Pombassador for southern California Pomeranian Rescue.

We animals don’t make out wills, but if I could, I would want my pawrents to get another canine from rescue best away.  saving another life would be the best way to honor mine after I have gone to Rainbow Bridge.  I will be waiting for them along with all the animals that came before me and will come after me, and together we will finish crossing Rainbow Bridge over to heaven and this is what we will see:
